Transportation Security Administration
Transporting the Deceased Crematory Containers
The Funeral Homes listed in the PDF have agreed to transfer remains from a temporary container to a permanent container free of charge. This complimentary service is provided to the traveling pubic so that air travel passengers can pass through TSA security checkpoints with a temporary crematory container and upon final destination have the remains transferred for free by their local TSA Funeral Home Partner.

Hospice |
Hospice Care
Hospice is not a place but a concept of care. Eighty percent of hospice care is provided in the patient’s home, family member’s home or in nursing homes. Inpatient hospice facilities are sometimes available to assist with care giving.
Organ Donation:
Each day, about 74 people receive organ transplants. However, 19 people die each day waiting for transplants that can’t take place because of the shortage of donated organs.
Create your own personalized virtual headquarters for the planning of the memorial service with a professionally-designed web site from MemorialHelper.com. Your site will help in the planning of the memorial service and act as commemorative place where everyone can post messages to the family and more...
Cremation for Catholics
Where the Church stands.

Cremation for Catholics Where the Chruch Stands.
How does the Church feel about scattering ceremonies?
Cremation itself is not a final means of disposition as it applies to the Catholic faith. The scattering of remains, an irreversible process, or permanently placing a loved one's urn in the home of a relative, is not considered to be in harmony with the reverence that the Church requires. The exception would be a burial at sea, in which a worthy vessel containing a complete set of remains is placed at sea in a formal "rite of committal" ceremoney.
Religious Funeral and Burial at Sea Customs Sea Services has collected a number of essays on different religions' customs and views of ocean burial. Burial at sea is never reversible, so an informed decision must be made. If eternal salvation in important to you, your choice must be based on sound religious teachings. This site provides a start for your research.
19th Century Nautical Slang A Navy man is a gentleman. But here you'll learn the only time that a Navy seaman was allowed to curse the officers, the ship, the navy, or any other institution in the vilest language he was capable of uttering with impunity. This family-rated page contains fascinating old expressions of naval lore.
Beyond Indigo Beyond Indigo offers a safe haven to those who have lost a loved one, are anticipating the loss of a loved one or who are facing their own death in the near future. They offer comfort, support and education about issues surrounding death at a time when people are confused, apprehensive and dealing with shock and sorrow. Special areas for teens and children make this site unique.
Historical Burial at Sea Information The tradition of burial at sea is an ancient one. As far as anyone knows this has been a practice as long as people have gone to sea. Since World War II many service members, veterans, and family members have chosen to be buried at sea. This site looks at the Navy tradition.
National Association for the Terminally IllThe National Association for the Terminally Ill differs from other organizations in that its number one priority is for patient aid rather than research. About one-third of American families dealing with an ailing family member exhaust their life savings dealing with the illness. This link provides information about this generous organization's financial assistance.
Interview With God An inspirational devotion in a beautiful slide show format. It may not work with all computers and browsers, but is nice enough to be worth the effort of trying. It's words can change your life. If you can not view it on your system, you can read the text of Interview With God here.

AARP Preplanning
AARP - PrePlanning Funerals and Burial Cost
Two million people die every year in the United States. For consumers, funerals and burials are big businesses. A funeral is one of the most expensive events in one's life: the average cost of a traditional funeral is close to $6,000. If you add flowers, obituary notices, acknowledgment cards, burial liners or vaults and special transportation, your costs go up. When emotions are high, it can be hard to remember that the cost of a funeral is not a measure of your feelings for the deceased. It's not unusual for a family to spend $10,000 for a funeral today.
Financial Planning Checklist for the Terminally Ill It's the devastating news no one is prepared for. You-or a loved one-learn you are terminally ill. Go home and settle your affairs, says the doctor. The following is a checklist of some of the financial issues that need to be addressed with both the family and financial advisors.
Sea Services in The New York Times On a cold March afternoon, The New York Times joins Sea Services on a journey into the chilly Atlantic. Read about their trip.
Burial Insurance Information At the ripe old age of 34, Craig Casey has been in financial services and writing for 10 years, trying to avoid salesmanship and propaganda. Few sites include drawbacks and problems of insurance, so we are providing this link to a very informative one that attempts to show the full story.
SeniorsSearch SeniorsSearch makes the Internet easier to navigate for older Web surfers who do not want to deal with the irrelevant results common to Internet search engines. SeniorsSearch cuts to the chase and contains subjects relevant to the lifestyle of the over 50 age group.
The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. The Academy provides a resource of information, education, networking and assistance to those who must deal with the many specialized issues involved with legal services to the elderly and disabled. A useful link is provided to help find attorneys in your area specializing in elder care.
Navy JobsThe informative United States Navy recruiting site describes the finest naval forces the world has ever seen.
Brian Curry |
Final rest at sea Friend and columnist Brian Curry looks back at the humble beginnings of Sea Services as he writes his weekly column in Patchogue, New York's Long Island Advance.
Dear Abby |
Dear Abby on Scattering Cremated Remains
Attorney Harvey I. Lapin writes to Dear Abby to clarify common misconceptions. An interesting article that should be read by anyone considering scattering, burying or dividing cremated remains. Mr. Lapin is the attorney for the Cremation Association of North America.
US Navy Burial |
Navy Members Burial Entitlement:
Retired Navy members and their dependents are entitled to a burial at sea from the Navy. This page offers information about obtaining this benefit.